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May 14, 2014

A talk by Ustaz Ebit Lew

Okay, I'm blurr actually what should I write right now?
I just tell what I experienced in this new 2014. I am eighteen! Haha, I don't think there is a slight difference. But well, it means you're older a year than 2013. So you should be worried whether your good deeds are sufficient enough for you to gain happiness and prosperity in the Hereafter life. In thursday, I went to a talk in a musolla which just a stone's throw from my house. They invited Ustaz Ebit Lew, a Chinese revert and can speak Malay well. He told that two signs that Allah has accepted a person is firstly, he is ready to meet The Creator, Allah azzawajalla. As we know, life in dunya is tiring. I mean to meet Allah is the best moment one can ever achieved. Secondly, he highlighted that one will be worried if Allah does not accept his good deeds. Ever heard a hadith of a martyr who died after fought in a war? It was during the time Rasulullah Saw live. During that time, whoever fought in the name of Allah to defend Islam will surely granted syuhada. Well, you do know the hardships they went through during that era which you had to sacrifice yourself, money, comfort or even family to be left behind and that is surely a big sacrifice to do. However, a man or martyr was sent to Hellfire as Allah knows deep in his true heart, he longs for his name to be said by the people who are alive. In other words, you become famous for what you've done. And, he got the fame after he died and sent to hell. Allahu, ever worried if your good deeds which is too little compared to the martyr will be rejected too? Nauzubillah, may Allah accept our good deeds and grant jannah for us. Amin. Maassalamah. P/S : another time another day I shall write my journal, insya-Allah.